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What is Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketing is the process of creating an experience for the customer by being interactive. A successful experiential marketing campaign creates a fun and unique experience,as a way to connect more deeply with customers. Engagement marketing helps to make customers want to learn more about a brand and what it offers.

Marketing and advertising are in constant evolution. Traditional marketing was driven by using radio spots, tv ads and newspaper ads. In today’s digital age, we have moved more towards branded web content, social media and experiential marketing services have risen to the fore as the best ways to make meaningful connections with potential clients.  

With an experiential campaign, a brand can stand out in a crowded marketplace and connect with their target audience. Read on to learn more about how a winning experiential marketing strategy helps to create a deeper consumer experience.

Experiential Marketing: How To Connect With Consumers 

Experiential marketing directly engages consumers by getting them to participate in an activity that connects them to the brand.  Experiential marketing strategies are about offering alternative models of marketing to create brand awareness. Experiential marketing is sometimes referred to as TryMarketing, usually, customers get to try a product or experience it before making a purchase decision.

Within a marketing strategy - there is usually some budget set aside for a marketing campaign, event marketing, influencer marketing, brand ambassadors, participation marketing and experiential events.  Experiential marketing uses an interactive experience to focus on connecting with consumers and potential customers. 

The key takeaway from the best experiential marketing campaigns is for the marketing team to create unique, branded and memorable experiences that create positive experiences and convert prospective clients.

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Experiential Marketing: A Brand Experience

Experiential marketing, or engagement marketing, is a marketing strategy to raise brand awareness by directly engaging consumers and encouraging them to participate in a brand experience. Experiential marketing examples include live events, pop up stores, marketing games, installations, virtual events and more. The intention is to drive awareness in a creative way to generate interest and buzz in the brand and create a memorable experience. 

What’s in a Brand?

A brand is a unique name, symbol, design, or a combination of these, which identifies and distinguishes a company, product or service from its competitors. It is an intangible asset that represents a promise of quality, consistency and value to the consumer.

Why Do Brands Use Experiential Marketing?

Experiential marketers use this marketing strategy to attract and engage people by using interactive methods and creating an in-person experience in a physical setting. 

The reasons why an experiential marketing campaign is so attractive to businesses is because they engage customers in activities, let future customers get a better sense of their products or services, builds brand awareness, and increases brand loyalty. 

Key Elements Of Experiential Marketing


Experiential marketing events create an immersive environment that allows customers to engage with a product or service in a more meaningful way. This can include interactive displays, hands-on activities and sensory experiences.

Emotional Connection 

By creating an immersive experience, experiential marketing aims to increase brand awareness while creating a positive emotional connection with the customer. This emotional connection can lead to increased brand loyalty, build brand awareness and drive sales.

Social Sharing 

Experiential marketing is often part of a cross-channel marketing plan, designed to be shareable on social media. User-generated content illustrates an engagement with a brand. By sharing one’s experience on social networks leads to an increase in reach.

Brand Storytelling 

Experiential campaigns can be used to tell a brand's story in a more engaging and memorable way. Through large format printing installations, marketing games and other means, companies can create an immersive experience that highlights brand values, mission or history, allowing current and prospective customers to develop a deeper connection with the brand.

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How POP49 Can Work With You

Experiential marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that allows brands to create memorable experiences for customers. By immersing customers in a brand's story and values, experiential marketing can create a positive emotional connection that leads to increased loyalty, brand awareness, and sales. 

At Pop49, we create the marketing collateral companies need to create immersive experiences and successful experiential marketing campaigns. Whether you need custom marketing games, branded displays or product & graphic design services, we can help bring your ideas to life! Contact us today to learn what we can do for you.